Labour Mobility Partner Country Dashboard
The Dashboard presents key economic and migration data to inform the design of labour migration and skills mobility initiatives. Dashboards contain regularly updated data from select priority countries to support strategic decision making regarding targeted sectors, partner countries, beneficiary age groups or gender.
Where Do the Data Come From?
The tool only gathers data that are regularly and automatically updated through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). They are purposefully selected from credible and reliable sources including the World Bank, EUROSTAT, OECD, and ILOSTAT. Yet inherent data gaps remain, such as when it comes to the informal economy or irregular migration, or in areas where data is not comparable across country borders. The Additional Data tab offers useful resources that are specific to a given country context.
Partner Country Factsheets
Partner Country Factsheets give an overview of a country’s legal and migration frameworks, priority economic sectors and key migration actors that set the institutional context of the data presented in the dashboards. If you are a member of the Labour Mobility Practitioners’ Network you can access the document by clicking on the flags below. If you are not yet a member, please find more information information here.